some words from wisers...

The best journeys answer questions that in the beginning, you didn't even think to ask"

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Introducing my post college professor: Mashable!

Now that I I am out of the classroom and no longer soaking up the outdated teachings of public relations- I am on my own to explore and learn how to implement all the lessons and applications that are available at my fingertips. It can be slightly overwhelming,  interviewing for jobs in the field and not necessarily feeling 100% confident in my understanding of how to be a publicist. So I am putting myself in learning bootcamp- each day I will read an article and summarize the main details & create an idea on how it can be used for a certain business or industry best.
          Mashable has been  downloaded on my ipod touch for 4 months by now- And I had high hopes to keep up with the current trends with social media & business.
So getting back into the swing of things   the latest trend in social media is: 12% small business owners feel that social media is a 'must' for their business and 64% believe it is not necessary & the most popular tool used is Facebook, followed by LinkedIn.

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