some words from wisers...

The best journeys answer questions that in the beginning, you didn't even think to ask"

Monday, June 28, 2010


Passion Pit - Dreams .mp3
Found at bee mp3 search engine

anytime of day, this song can pep me up and inspire me. i think its the ultimate cover. kudos Passion Pit. 

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I am currently attempting to motivate myself to partake in the activity/pastime of night jogs. I just got back from one, started around 7:30 to 8:10, hardly impressive, yet I was jogging on tweaked back, a minor sprain that is felt every spring of my foot to the pavement. So I threw in some playground calisthenics for the abs and arms while out. I do not want to take my health for granted my mobile legs and heart rate either, that are all in prime shape for physical activity. Now if I can nurse this injury to nudging one hundred percent it would improve the enjoyment of summertime jogging.

Monday, June 21, 2010

waking up to vuvuzelas

Its official, my internal clock has been programmed since June 11th to catch FIFA fever, aka The World Cup, which is hosted globally every four years. I have yet to set an alarm, I just wake up at un-summery hours, usually 7AM, to watch any match that is aired.This years World Cup is the first to be played on African soil, which has single handily placed this years games as the most epic and anticipated yet. South Africa has prepared years to convert, disguise and portray their nations unjustice and apartied past with a multi million dollar stadium and numerous other buildiing development in order to harbour the millions of futbol fans that have travelled worldwide to their scenically beautiful country. South Africans have spread the popularity of the vuvezelas, horn -noise maker that makes each match sound like its being played in a bee/hornet/wasp nest. Super obnoxious but not to the point of banishment, sorry annoyed fans. But despite the vuvuzelas, outcomes from numerous matches have given ESPN and national and local media, and even fans in Fort Collins, ampable amounts of material to discuss and disect four hours. From unexpected ties and admiral victories to downright life ruining referring it has been hard not to watch and follow any nation. Futbol the most accepted internationally played sport ever has provided so much promise to countries that seek postive futures, and place their hope within the nations atheletes. I made my FIFA bracket a couple of weeks ago, I hope USA continues to perform like olympians but my bracket reads Espana only time will tell!
quote from someone funny: " its like the world series, but it includes the world. "

Sunday, June 20, 2010


last month my best pal Alex changed my summer around. Mumford & Sons, his latest musical discovery was the perfect fix of folk-beauty and bluegrass tendencies I wanted to be listening to. Ever since my obessession with the Mumford family I have leaked the group to a variety of friends, which has turned out to be a real crowd pleaser. Tonight, the last day of Telluride Bluegrass Festival, Mumford took the stage of a small bar on the main street to make a select crowd so lucky. To all those who went, I hope it was just as incredible as I imigine it to be. I hope the Mumford's carry on thier travels, hopefully I will some day hear those folksters, someday.
Suggested playlist: Winter Winds, Sigh No More, Little Lion Man,
-the album on shuffle would suffice too, its virtually flawless to my amatuer ear.


simplifying my spending and buying habits is something that I am trying to respect and honor for my own sake. It was a personal choice not to look for a salary paying job after i graduated, therefore, I need to live like I have minimal funds to support my lifestyle. Sounds easy. I remember the days mom and dad granted me with a twenty dollar allowance. That bill was plenty, shirely I should be able to live off of that now. Monitor the amount of times I go out per week, and evaluate the importance of the outtings that cost some muhla. should be easy, cross the fingers. We will see, how annoying it is to hang out with Stingey McGee, turning in to alternative anne, how bout we not spend money tonight and.... im thinking a lot of night games[ capture the flag, kick the can, frisbee] and I label that idea -stay fit for free-

Saturday, June 19, 2010

attacking agendas.

Motivation is something that i am finding hard to muster up this summer. I volunteered to be on a committee, damn committee! I am in charge of rounding up volunteers for a Boys & Girls Club event in September. Also part of my duties are to track down pet and wildlife wranglers that will be willing to uncage their exotics for the event.This committment is going to start requiring me to be task oriented and a real go getter. Shirley I can get it down, but a Master SpreadSheet seems lame compared to brew tours and patios and hikes that could use my prescene, ya know?! But this week I buckle down and hit the phonelists, and start tinkering with the SpreadSheet. Life is about responibilties folks.

My summer Goal LIST:
1- Embark to Steamboat: my desire to relocate their mid NOV. requires me to do some pre move research, there for I will volunteer in AUG for the Wine Festival, a perfect time to check it out and meet some locals in the commuity and scope out the job market pre ski season.
2- Craft2.0: Sweet Brianna is moving and I want to create a kick ass nostalgic memory book keepsake album. [ pretty much a hybrid of a scrapbook] but i have some sweet plans and a creative friend to make it radical! and my dad suggested me to make a VisionBoard- this is a collage of sorts of what you desire to accomplish the idea is that if you look at it daily you will strive to reach that vision. Another project that I will work with Brianna on will be the button and elastic headbands and rings.
3- Outward Bound: Camp with TOM & Fish with M0M/DAD

A modest list that I will complete! day by day milking my days with friends and my carefree lifestyle in the Fort of Collins .